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Tuprena Flix

Holistic Life Coach & Nutritionist


What is a Holistic Life Coach?


Holistic life coaching focuses on the Mind, Body, & Spriit as a whole.  Our goal is the help motivate and inspire positvie life changes, and create a proper balance.  We help clients  take conscious control, empower themselves, and learn to design their lives in more joyful and purposeful ways.

The Mind


The mind is very powerful.  The thoughts we think create our reality. Power of thouoght is stronger than most people realize.  Everything you see, hear, and experience in life is specific to you.  How we create in this universe is based on our perception of all that we experience. 


My bestfriend and I were riding over a bridge and as I am gazing over, looking at the beautiful water I turn around and she is in the backseat curled fetal position practically in tears.  I ask what happened and she then shares with me that she is absolutely terrified of bridges over water  due to an incident that happened in her childhood. It is amazing how two people can be in the same place, looking at the same thing, and yet share two completely different experiences.


In life we are all faced with situations that cause us to feel fear, anxiety, deprression, and pain.  As your life coach we are here to help you learn techniques to help you change the negative into a positive situation and learn how to create the reality you desire.

The Body 


Proper diet and exercise are the key factors in maintaining a healthy body. Our thoughts about food and perception of ourselves and our bodies are important factors too.  Healing is automatic as our bodies are designed to completely heal itself.  As a holistic life coach we will teach you how to heal your own body with simple techniques such as meditation, reiki, grounding, as well as diet and exercise.  As a holistic nutritionist our goal is to create balance in the body whether you are seeking weight loss, better eating habits, or trying to overcome disease.  We work with clients to not only prevent and reverse disease, but strive to identify and correct nutritional causes of disease in the body.  Together we will design a personalized diet and lifestyle program for your optimized health.

The Spirit


We are all spiritual beings derived from the same God source energy.  Though many of us have different background teachings whether yours is Christianity, Buddhism, or Hinduism what matters most is that the source is Love.  In holistic care treating the spiritual place is probably the most important because it involves love of self and all things. As your life coach, spiritually we will explore the mind body connection to disease in our bodies and how to give love to every area of our lives. 


I was diagnosed with a benign tumor in my knee.  As soon as I received the results of the MRI I automatically knew why the tumor developed spiritually. Through my learning I found that tumors derive from lack of love, which lined up with the fact that for over 30 years I disliked my knees.  I would always wear pants to cover them up and complain about it.  I had to learn to forgive myself and give love to every part of my body.  My surgery was scheduled 3 months after my diagnosis and during that time I utilized Reiki and other techniques to give love to my knee.  My doctor anticipated my surgery to take about an hour and a half, but to his surprise the tumor was encapsulated and literally popped out.  The entire procedure took only thirty minutes, and I believe the tumor was not attached to anything because I had detached from the place that created it to begin with.


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