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Cupping Therapy

What is Cupping Therapy?


Cupping is the oldest and most globally practiced medical treatment in human history. Most cultures can produce historical evidence that some variation of Cupping was used regularly in their medical histories. Treatment is favored by millions of people worldwide because it’s safe, comfortable and remarkably effective for many health disorders.


Cupping works by creating suction and negative pressure which releases rigid soft tissue, drains excess fluids, and toxins, loosens adhesions, lifts connective tissue, and brings blood flow to stagnant skin and muscles in ways not possible by using compression.


When the cups move, the negative pressure massage feels really great. The pulling action engages the para-sympathetic nervous system, thus allowing a deep relaxation to move through the entire body. It is not unusual to fall asleep during treatment; people are often surprised at how relaxed, warm, and light they feel hours and even days afterwards.


What are the Benefits of Cupping?




Cupping pulls stagnation out of tissues and brings it to the skin level. The pores expand discharging some of the waste & toxins and the rest is more accessible to the body’s circulatory and lymphatic systems where it can be properly flushed out. In addition cupping brings fresh revitalized blood to stagnant areas.


Soothe Aching Muscles & Joints


The treatment can be remarkable on rigid and aching muscles as the contracted and congested tissue structures will soften quickly by activating the secretion of synovial fluids to release joint stiffness in ways not possible using the pressure of traditional massage. The suction facilitates the excretion of lactic acids and toxins from within the muscles and its surrounding support as well as stimulating the subcutaneous capillary vessels expanding the blood within the muscles. This action increases blood flow and removes congestion in the joints, attachments, and other various musculoskeletal structures.


Relief of Digestive Disorders


This gentle treatment works wonderfully for gastrointestinal disorders. The pulling power of the low pressure upon the belly stimulates the inside of the organs, causing peristaltic movement and the secretion of digestive fluids; therefore strengthening the digestion and nutrient absorption within the digestive tract.


There are many conditions that respond well to Cupping Therapy some are listed below:


•Deep Tissue Massage

•Reduce Cellulite & Stretchmarks

•Facial Rejuvenation

•Sinus Release & TMJ

•Digestive Disorders (IBS)

•Respiratory Disorders (Bronchitis)

•Anxiety & Insomnia


*Members of the International Cupping Therapy Association


Disclaimer: It is important to understand that we are not doctors and do not prescribe medical advice, so please seek medical advice from your physician if you have any debilitating physical ailments. There is a very good chance, however, that your doctor is quite familiar with the benefits of  energy healing & cupping therapy and will encourage you to use it.


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